
Working with fellow environmental groups, civic organizations, and concerned community members, we push local governments to rethink development proposals, overhaul zoning codes, and adopt responsible land-use policies. We think out of the box to find long-term funding solutions for the East End’s most daunting environmental problems and we engage people to speak up and take action in their community. Your participation in your local community is essential if you want to help protect the nature of the place you love.
Get to Know SEQRA
The State Environmental Quality Review Act
You can help shape your community and hold local officials accountable by knowing about SEQRA, the State Environmental Quality Review Act. It’s a New York State law that requires local governments to consider the environmental, social, and economic impacts of proposed development projects, new laws and regulations, and land-use policies or plans.
The SEQRA process calls for a coordinated, transparent, and comprehensive review of proposals in your town. It is one of the most important tools for ensuring full consideration of critical environmental issues with input from the public. Your participation as a resident and/or taxpayer is paramount for the law to work effectively!
Speak Up - Attend Hearings
There are four main boards that make impactful decisions on the local level.
Town Boards are comprised of elected officials who are responsible for legislative decisions and determining annual budgets for your town.
Planning Boards are charged with providing for and guiding the orderly development and growth of your town. They make important decisions on proposals that, if not kept in check, can turn a picturesque town into suburban sprawl! Members may be elected or appointed, depending on the town.
Zoning Boards of Appeal (ZBA) are responsible for interpreting a town’s zoning code. Generally, a ZBA can grant variances to property owners if they can demonstrate hardships or practical difficulties that they incur because of strict application of zoning laws. Members may be elected or appointed, depending on the town.
School Boards are comprised of elected officials who set spending priorities and annual budgets, which can impact the availability of certain classes and extracurricular activities, such as ecology and environmental studies.
Every town should create and adopt a comprehensive plan that includes input from the public. If executed properly, the comprehensive plan should guide every land-use decision made by town agencies.
Where to find meeting dates, agendas, and make FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) requests.
Contact information for elected officials
as January 2025
Mail Comments to:
Town of East Hampton
159 Pantigo Road
East Hampton, NY 11937Supervisor
Kathee Burke-GonzalezKBurke-Gonzalez@ehamptonny.gov
Town Board Members
Cate Rogers, Deputy Supervisor
CRogers@ehamptonny.govDavid Lys
DLys@ehamptonny.govIan Calder-Piedmonte
ICalder-Piedmonte@ehamptonny.govTom Flight
Town Clerk
Carole Brennan
cbrennan@ehamptonny.govPlanning Board
Chairman Samuel Kramer
Louis Cortese
Michael Hansen
Jennifer Fowkes
Bruce Siska
Ave WarrenE-mail Comments to: PlanningBoard@ehamptonny.gov
Planning Director
Tina Vavilis LaGarenne
TVavilisLaGarenne@ehamptonny.govZoning Board of Appeals
Roy Dalene, Chairman
Denise Savarese, Vice Chairperson
Theresa Berger
Edward Johann
Jaine MehringE-mail Comments to:
Samantha Young
Mail Comments to:
Town of East Hampton Trustees
P.O. Box 7073
Amagansett, New York 11930Francis J Bock, Clerk fbock@ehamptonny.gov
Vill Taylor, Deputy Clerk
btaylor@ehamptonny.govJim Grimes, Deputy Clerk
jgrimes@ehamptonny.govJohn Allred
jaldred@ehamptonny.govDavid Cataletto
dcataletto@ehamptonny.govPatrice Dalton
pdalton@ehamptonny.govBen Dillinger
bdollinger@ehamptonny.govTim Garneau tgarneau@ehamptonny.gov
Ceclia Josephson
cjosephson@ehamptonny.govE-mail Comments to: Trustees@ehamptonny.gov
Mail Comments to:
Town of Riverhead
4 West Second Street
Riverhead, NY 11901Supervisor
Tim Hubbard
hubbard@townofriverheadny.govTown Board Members
Kenneth Rothwell
rothwell@townofriverheadny.govBob Kern
kern@townofriverheadny.govDenise Merrifield
merrifield@townofriverheadny.govJoann Waski jwaski@townofriverheadny.gov
Town Clerk
James M. Wooten
wooten@townofriverheadny.govPlanning Board
Edward Densieski, Chair
John Hogan, Vice Chair
Joseph H. Baier
George Nunnaro
Ken ZilnickiE-mail Comments to: trojanowski@townofriverheadny.gov
Planning and Economic Development Administrator
Dawn Thomas
thomas@townofriverheadny.govZoning Board of Appeals
Chairman Otto Wittmeier
Ralph Gazzillo, Vice-Chairman
Leroy Barnes
Dan Zaweski
John M. Porchia, IIIE-mail Comments to: trojanowski@townofriverheadny.gov
Conservation Advisory Board
Chairman, Sean McCabe, Sr.
Mike Diem
Robert Fox
Robert Kujawski
Duane Lewin
Charles Thomas
George WoodhullE-mail Comments to:
bergman@townofriverheadny.gov -
Mail Comments to:
Town of Shelter Island
38 North Ferry Road
Shelter Island, NY 11964-0970Supervisor
Amber Brach-Williams
abwilliams@shelterislandtown.govTown Board Members
Margaret Larsen
mlarsen@shelterislandtown.govBenjamin Dyett bdyett@shelterislandtown.gov
Albert Dickson adickson@shelterislandtown.gov
Gordon Gooding
ggooding@shelterislandtown.govTown Clerk
Amber Wilson
awilson@shelterislandtown.govPlanning Board
David Austin
daustin@shelterislandtown.govMatthew Fox
mfox@shelterislandtown.govMarcus Kaasik
mkaasik@shelterislandtown.govJulia Weisenberg
jweisenberg@shelterislandtown.govE-mail Comments to:
Jessica Montgomery
jmontgomery@shelterislandtown.govZoning Board of Appeals
Chairman Philip DiOrio
Lynne Collegian
Thomas Graffagnino
William Johnston III
Lisa KrekelerE-mail Comments to:
Kristina Martin Majdisova
kmartin@shelterislandtown.govConservation Advisory Council
Chairperson Howard Johansen
hjohansen@shelterislandtown.usUlrich Armbrust
uarmbrust@shelterislandtown.govDaniel Clark
daniel.clark@shelterislandtown.govPeder Larsen
plarsen@shelterislandtown.usRoxanne DuVivier
rduvivier@shelterislandtown.govPaulette Van Vranken
pvanvranken@shelterislandtown.usJonathan Tehan
E-mail Comments to:
Jessica Montgomery
jmontgomery@shelterislandtown.gov -
Mail Comments to:
Town of Southampton
116 Hampton Road
Southampton, NY 11968Supervisor
Maria Z. Moore
mmoore@southamptontownny.govTown Board Members
Michael Iasilli
miasilli@southamptontownny.govCyndi McNamara
cmcnamara@southamptontownny.govWilliam Pell
billpell@southamptontownny.govTown Clerk
Sundy Schermeyer
townclerk@southamptontownny.govPlanning Board
Chairperson Jacqui Lofaro
Vice Chairperson, Dennis Finnerty
Glorian Berk
Kate Fullam
Thackoor (George) Mootoo
Thomas NeelyE-mail Comments to:
Kristen Dougherty
kdougherty@southamptontownny.govTown Planning / Development Administrator
Janice Scherer
JScherer@southamptontownny.govZoning Board of Appeals
Chairperson Susan Koehn
Helene Burgess
John Leonard
Robert Macedonio
John Rebhan
Julie KaneE-mail Comments to:
Kandice Cowell
KCowell@southamptontownny.govTown Trustees
President Scott Horowitz
shorowitz@southamptontownny.govEdward Warner
ewarner@southamptontownny.govRichard Maran
rmaran@southamptontownny.govJoe McLoughlin
jmcloughlin@southamptontownny.govMathew Parsons
mparsons@southamptontownny.govE-mail Comments to:
Jessica Feldman
jfeldman@southamptontownny.govMail Comments to:
Southampton Town Trustees
240 West Montauk Highway
Building B - First Floor
Hampton Bays, NY 11946 -
Mail Comments to:
Town of Southold
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971Supervisor
Al Krupski
al.krupski@town.southold.ny.usTown Board Members
Louisa Evans
louisa.evans@town.southold.ny.usJill Doherty
jill.doherty@town.southold.ny.usGreg Doroski
greg.doroski@town.southold.ny.usBrian Mealy
brian.mealy@town.southold.ny.usAnne Smith
anne.smith@town.southold.ny.usTown Clerk
Dennis Noncarrow
denisn@southoldtownny.govPlanning Board
Chairman James Rich III
Donald Wilcenski
Pierce Rafferty
Amelia Jealous-Dank
Martin SidorE-mail comments to:
Jessica Michaelis
Jessica.Michaelis@town.southold.ny.usPlanning Director
Heather Lanza
heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.usZoning Board of Appeals
Chairperson Leslie Wiseman
Robert Lehnert
Eric Dantes
Patricia Acampora
Nicholas Planamento
Margaret M. SteinbuglerE-mail comments to:
Kim Fuentes
kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.usTown Trustees
Glenn Goldsmith
glenn.goldsmith@town.southold.ny.usNicholas Krupski
nick.krupski@town.southold.ny.usLiz Gillooly
liz.gillooly@town.southold.ny.usElizabeth Peeples
elizabeth.peeples@town.southold.ny.usEric Sepenoski
eric.sepenoski@town.southold.ny.usEmail comments to:
Liz Cantrell
elizabeth.cantrell@town.southold.ny.us -
Village of Southampton
Mayor William Manger Jr.
wmanger@southamptonvillage.orgVillage of East Hampton
Mayor Jerry Larson
Lorraine McCay, Executive Assistant
lmckay@easthamptonvillage.orgVillage of Sag Harbor
Mayor Thomas Gardella
tgardella@sagharborny.govVillage of North Haven
Mayor Chris Fiore
mayor@northhavenvillage.orgVillage of Sagaponack
Mayor William Tillotson
Rosemarie Cary Winchell, Clerk
clerk@sagaponackvillage.orgVillage of Quogue
Mayor Robert Treuhold
contact@villageofquogueny.govVillage of Greenport
Mayor Kevin Stuessi
kevin@greenportvillage.orgVillage of Westhampton Beach
Mayor Ralph Urban
Maureen Jones, Secretary
mjones@westhamptonbeach.org -
Suffolk County Executive
Edward P. RomaineEast End Representatives
Catherine Stark
catherine.Stark@suffolkcountyny.govAnn Welker
ann.Welker@suffolkcountyny.govPresiding Officer
Kevin J. McCaffrey
PresidingOfficer.Legislature@suffolkcountyny.govFull Legislature
Catherine Stark
catherine.Stark@suffolkcountyny.govAnn Welker
ann.Welker@suffolkcountyny.govJames F. Mazzarella
jim.Mazzarella@suffolkcountyny.govNick Caracappa
nick.Caracappa@suffolkcountyny.govSteven Englebright
steven.Englebright@suffolkcountyny.govChad Lennon
chad.Lennon@suffolkcountyny.govSamuel Gonzalez
samuel.Gonzalez@suffolkcountyny.govTrish Bergen
trish.Bergin@suffolkcountyny.govSteven J. Flotteron
steven.Flotteron@suffolkcountyny.govLeslie Kennedy
leslie.Kennedy@suffolkcountyny.govJason Richberg
jason.Richberg@suffolkcountyny.govRebecca Sanin
rebecca.Sanin@suffolkcountyny.govTom Donnelly
tom.Donnelly@suffolkcountyny.govStephanie Bontempi
stephanie.Bontempi@suffolkcountyny.govDominick S. Thorne
DominickS.Thorne@suffolkcountyny.govRobert Trotta
robert.Trotta@suffolkcountyny.govKevin J. McCaffrey
PresidingOfficer.Legislature@suffolkcountyny.govAnthony A. Piccirillo
anthony.Piccirillo@suffolkcountyny.gov -
New York State Senator
Anthony H. Palumbo
(R) 1st DistrictDistrict Office
400 W. Main Street
Suite 201
Riverhead, NY 11901Phone: 631-461-9100
Albany Office
188 State Street
Legislative Office Building, Room 604
Albany, NY 12247Phone: 518-455-3121
E-mail: palumbo@nysenate.gov
New York State Assemblywoman
Jodi Giglio
(R) 2nd DistrictDistrict Office
30 West Main Street
Suite 103
Riverhead, NY 11901Phone: 631-727-0204
Albany Office
LOB 629
Albany, NY 12248Phone: 518-455-5294
E-mail: giglioj2@nyassembly.gov
New York State Assemblyman
Tommy John Schiavoni
(D) 1st DistrictDistrict Office
3350 Noyac Road
Building B, Suite 1
Sag Harbor, NY 11963Phone: 631-537-2583
Albany Office
LOB 837
Albany, NY 12248Phone: 518-455-5997
E-mail: schiavonitj@nyassembly.gov
Nick LalotaDistrict Office
1530 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515Phone: 202-225-3826
Hauppauge District Office
515 Hauppauge Road
Suite 3B
Hauppauge, NY 11788Phone: 631-289-1097
Chuck SchumerLeo O'Brien Building, Room 827
Albany, NY 12207Phone: 518-431-4070
Washington D.C.
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510Phone: 202-224-6542
Join Your Civic Association
If you want to have a say in what happens in your community and you’re wondering what development projects are being proposed in your neighborhood, we encourage you to join your local civic group. There is power in numbers, and a collective voice that represents your community can be extremely effective. The Group works closely with civic organizations on evaluating proposed developments, planning studies, and laws, and educates the public on how they can affect community members and the environment.
Here’s a list of civic associations the Group has worked with on the East End. Get involved!
Accobonac Protection Committee
Bridgehampton Civic Association
Speonk Remsenburg Civic Association
Springs Civic Association
Riverhead Neighborhood Protection Coalition
EPCAL Watch Coalition
Shelter Island Association
Kim Noland - president@shelterislandassociation.orgGordon Gooding - vicepresident@shelterislandassociation.org
East Quogue Civic Association
Hampton Bays Civic Association
Quogue Association
Quiogue Association
Save Sag Harbor
Southampton Association
Cutchogue Civic Association
Barbara BestEast Marion Community Association
Ellen Zimmerman - ellenzimmerman@danielgale.comAnne Murray - annemurray@optonline.net
Greenport Community Association
Randy Wade - vision4me@me.comMattituck Laurel Civic Association
Anne Smith - smithanneh14@gmail.comNew Suffolk Civic Association
Joe PolashockNew Suffolk Waterfront Fund
Patricia Lowry - newsuffolkfund@gmail.comNorth Fork Audubon
info@northforkaudubon.orgNorth Fork Environmental Council
Debbie Okane - dokane114@optonline.netMark Haubner - mhaubner2@optonline.net
Orient Association
Drianne Benner - dbenner@ainvadvisors.comSouthold Peconic Civic Association
info@spcivic.orgMaggie Merrill- maggiemerrill25@gmail.com
Margaret Steinbugler - nofomms1@yahoo.com
Voting Matters
Local government often has more real-world impact on your everyday life than state and federal government. You have a say in how your town approaches and invests in environmental issues. By voting for local candidates and policies that align with your beliefs, you can help shape the future you envision for your community. Register to vote here.
Join the Group
We mobilize communities to speak up and speak out to protect the East End environment. Become a member, join our mailing list, and stay informed. Have questions? Reach out!